Espig 1876

Legal notices

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Updated on 03/07/24

Simplified joint stock company with capital of €300,000
062 805 585 RCS Marseille
VAT NO.: FR 87 062 805 585
Head office : 25 Avenue de Coulin, 13420 Gémenos
Tel.: 04 42 32 23 23
Publication managers : Mme Marlène Lionti / Mme Delphine Monon

This site is hosted by OVH SAS 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France, registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 537 407 926.

Alexandra HOCDE


This website is the exclusive property of CEPASCO SAS. It is provided for information purposes only.
The purpose of the present terms of use of the website, hereinafter referred to as the “Site”, is to define the terms of use of the Site by the user (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”). A user is any natural person of legal age or under 18 who connects to a page on the Site or browses the Site. Consequently, by accessing and using this Site, you fully accept the General Conditions of Use. If you do not accept them, you must not use or browse this Site.

By accessing and using the Site, you accept without reservation the application of the General Conditions of Use, and of the clauses applicable to the protection of personal data (see, below in articles 3 and 5, the Personal Data & Cookies Charter).
CEPASCO SAS may at any time and unilaterally modify and update the General Conditions of Use and the Personal Data & Cookies Charter. The user is invited to consult them regularly online.

Site access

Users of the Site are responsible for the hardware and software required to access the Internet and the Site.

CEPASCO SAS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or terminate access to all or part of the Site, its content (hereinafter the “Content”) or services offered on the Site, without prior notice and without this being likely to give rise to any compensation to a user.
It is strictly forbidden to modify the software elements of the Site in order to obtain unauthorized access to the Site.

1.2 Hyperlinks
The Site may contain links to other sites or Internet sources managed by third parties. Insofar as CEPASCO SAS cannot control these external sites and sources, CEPASCO SAS cannot be held responsible for the content, advertising, products, services, privacy policy in effect on these sites, nor for their availability, or any other element available on these external sites or sources. Where operations are subject to payment, payment is also made directly by the user, and CEPASCO SAS accepts no responsibility for such payments. Furthermore, CEPASCO SAS cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss (proven or alleged) resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the content, goods or services available on these external sites or sources.

1.3 User behavior
Each user of the Site guarantees :
– to use the Site for lawful and personal purposes, to the exclusion of any use for commercial purposes, except with the prior written consent of CEPASCO SAS;
– that, where applicable, the information provided is accurate, truthful and up-to-date.
Users are prohibited from making any representations and/or acting in the name of and/or on behalf of CEPASCO SAS, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective shareholders, directors, officers and employees, for any purpose whatsoever.
Users must behave on the Site in a responsible, lawful, courteous and respectful manner with regard to the rights of other users of the Site, CEPASCO SAS, its affiliates and third parties.
In particular, users must refrain from:
– disrupt or interrupt the operation of the Site, servers or networks connected to the Site, or violate any requirements, procedures, rules or regulations relating thereto;
– attempt to undermine the operation of the Site, in particular by exposing the Site to a virus, causing a consultation overload (bandwidth), overloading the server, sending “spam” or overloading the Site’s messaging service;
– Consult information that is not intended for you, or access a server or account that you are not authorized to access;
– seek to evaluate, discover or test the vulnerability of the Site, or breach the security or authentication measures of the Site without the prior written consent of CEPASCO SAS;
– engage in any unlawful activity or engage in any other activity that may violate the rights of CEPASCO SAS, its suppliers, service providers, retailers, advertisers or others, and refrain from encouraging others to do so;
– upload to the Site, transmit, post or otherwise make available unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials, “junk mail”, “spam”, “chain letters” or any other form of solicitation;

– upload, post, e-mail or transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, defamatory, offensive, racist, vulgar, obscene, threatening, violent, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, derogatory or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
CEPASCO SAS cannot be held responsible for any use of the Site that does not comply with the provisions of the General Terms of Use.
Each user agrees to comply with all applicable laws, rules and procedures relating to online user behavior and the transmission of technical data.
CEPASCO SAS may terminate a user’s right of access to the Site at any time if the user fails to comply with his or her obligations under the General Terms of Use and/or any additional document, without prejudice to CEPASCO SAS’s right to claim damages.

– upload to the Site, transmit, post or otherwise make available unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials, “junk mail”, “spam”, “chain letters” or any other form of solicitation;

1.4 User-published content
Where applicable, users of the Site are solely responsible for the content they post on the Site and for the consequences of its dissemination, publication, transfer or availability. CEPASCO SAS does not endorse any content, opinion, recommendation or advice expressed by users on the Site, and declines all responsibility for content posted on the Site, within the limits of applicable regulations.
However, CEPASCO SAS reserves the right (but is not obligated) to determine whether content posted by users complies with the requirements specified in the Terms of Use and may remove any content that violates these Terms of Use and/or terminate a user’s access to the Site as a result of the submission of such content, at any time, without notice and at its sole discretion.
You agree that CEPASCO SAS may freely use, without any restriction or time limitation and free of charge, the content posted on the Site not only for its distribution on the Site but also for its distribution and reproduction on any other medium whatsoever for the promotion and advertising of CEPASCO SAS, its products and services.
1.5 Notification of inappropriate content
Users may notify CEPASCO SAS of any inappropriate content by sending an e-mail to the following address:

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of this Site or any of its components, as well as the trademarks and logos or any of the intellectual property rights of CEPASCO SAS, by any process and on any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited and will give rise to legal action.
The Site and each of its components (such as texts, tree structures, software, animations, photographs, illustrations, images, diagrams, soundtracks, texts, logos, trademarks, designs and models), including the software components necessary for the operation of the Site, databases and newsletters (hereinafter the “Content”) may contain confidential information and data protected by intellectual property law or any other applicable law. Unless otherwise stated on the Site, the intellectual property rights to the Content are the exclusive property of CEPASCO SAS, which grants the user no license or right other than that of consulting the Site.
The reproduction of all or part of the Content is authorized solely for the purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies of the Content made for other purposes, in any manner whatsoever and in any form whatsoever, being expressly prohibited.
In accordance with article L.122-6-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code, the user is also prohibited from copying, modifying, creating a derivative work, assembling, decompiling, assigning, sub-licensing or transferring in any way whatsoever any right pertaining to the Content or the Site. None of the provisions of the General Terms of Use may be interpreted as an assignment, transfer, sale, concession, license, loan, lease or authorization to operate granted directly or indirectly by CEPASCO SAS to the user in respect of the Site and its Content.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by Act no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, this Site has been registered with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL – under number 2118113.

Visiting the website does not require you to provide any personal data. However, in order to respond to any requests for information in the “Contact us” section, we do request certain personal data, such as your first and last name, telephone number, postal address and e-mail address. Similarly, in our “Contact us” section, you may be asked to provide us with your Curriculum Vitae, which includes certain personal information. Users are informed that this personal data is intended solely for CEPASCO SAS, the data controller, for administrative and/or commercial management purposes. With the exception of third parties whose intervention is necessary for the maintenance and management of the Site, CEPASCO SAS undertakes not to communicate the user’s personal data to third parties without the user’s prior authorization.
The information collected will be kept for a period of 3 years.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, all users have the right to object to, access, rectify or delete any personal data concerning them, by writing to the following address: CEPASCO SAS – 25, Avenue de Coulin – 13420 Gémenos or by sending an e-mail to

CEPASCO SAS makes every effort to keep the Site accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. The Site is provided “as is” and “as available” without warranty of any kind. Please note that access to may be interrupted for maintenance, updating or any other reason, particularly of a technical nature. CEPASCO SAS is not responsible for these interruptions, nor for any consequences they may have for the user.
We make every effort to update the content of the Site on a daily basis and to provide users with accurate information. However, the user is aware that the transmission of data and information over the Internet is relatively unreliable, as it travels over highly heterogeneous networks.
The user hereby accepts problems related to connection and/or access to the Internet and/or websites; problems related to network availability and congestion; problems related to network failure or saturation; problems related to transit time, access to information posted online, response times for displaying, consulting, querying or otherwise transferring data; risks of interruption; lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or piracy; risks of contamination by any viruses circulating on said networks, etc., for which CEPASCO cannot be held liable. for which CEPASCO SAS cannot be held responsible.
Consequently, the Site may contain inaccurate information, omissions or errors. CEPASCO SAS cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the data appearing on the Site. Any error or omission may be notified to the following e-mail address: All sites having a hypertext link with the Site (a hypertext link targeting this Site or established from this Site), are not under the control of CEPASCO SAS, which declines all responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use.

Users are informed that when they visit the Site, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser.
A cookie is a string of information sent by a website to a computer in the form of a small data file. This data does not enable the user to be identified, but is used to record information relating to the user’s browsing on the Site. The purpose of using these cookies is to carry out traffic analysis, audience measurement, etc., in order to improve the quality of the Site.
The user’s consent is requested prior to installation, by means of an information window. The user also has the option of configuring cookies by following the procedure below :
If you accept cookies, they will be integrated into the pages and content you consult, and may be stored in a dedicated area of your terminal. You can configure your browser to reject cookies. This rejection can be systematic or configured according to the website concerned.
Each browser is configured differently to manage cookies. Please refer to your browser’s help menu for the precise procedure for modifying your choices.
– For Internet Explorer :,
– For Firefox :, or see the CNIL fact sheet (
– For Safari :
– For Chrome :
For Opera :
If you are using a browser not listed above, please consult the corresponding help section.

This legal notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law. Any dispute not settled by mutual agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.
Thank you for your visit!